This offline version of Khan Academy was created by, to help and support educational needs where there is no Internet access. It is being used in many places around the world.
The content is a subset of the one available in This latest version includes very comprehensive Math and Science video playlists as they were available online on July 2012.
There is no promised scheduled or planned maintenance, though all efforts will be made, time permitting, to keep its content updated.
Some tech details: built with Perl and Mysql, on a Linux box. Content tested on Windows, Mac and Linux desktops, with different flash drives and external storage devices.
Please send any comments or suggestions to Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Yes. The Khan Academy on a Stick distribution is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on the fantastic work by Salman Khan with
You can use this offline version except for any commercial purpose, like selling it in any way. You can only distribute it for free, and you must keep the attribution and the "About" section (about.html).