
Topics in West African history is specially designed as an introduction to the history of West Africa for students reading for the Uganda Certificate of Education. It is hoped that it will serve as a useful background study to more advanced histories. It is also hoped that it may serve the needs of the general reader interested in an outline of the history of West Africa from the earliest times to the present day. The book describes extensively the pre-colonial societies of Western Africa from the earliest peoples through the colonial period to the post colonial modern times.

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It is divided into three sections. Section 1 includes the ancient Sudanese states and empires. Special emphasis has been put on Trans Saharan Trade, Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Kanem Bornu, Islam in West Africa and the 19th Century Jihads in West Africa.

Section 2 includes the states and kingdoms of the Southern Savannah, the forest and the Guinea coast; Asante Empire, Oyo empire, Kingdoms of Benin and Dahomey. States of Senegambia especially the Woloff empire and the political and social developments of the coastal states are the topics covered.

Section 3 deals with West Africa and Europe, it starts from Trans Atlantic slave trade up to the colonial period and post colonial period. In total the book has 22 topics all of which have been thoroughly analysed.

This history owes a considerable debt to a number of historians both for their published work and for advice they have given me from time to time. I owe a particular debt to the contributors to the Text book of Advanced African History, which I co-edited with Professor Askia Ahmed. I would also like to acknowledge my debt to the work or advice of the following Great historians: Professor Kiyagga Mulindwa, Professor Lwanga Lunyigo, Dr I. Tamale, Mr. Wanetosi G. Billy, Professor Adu Boahen, Mr Basil Davidson, Professor Robin Horton, Mr. J. K, Lavers and Professor Roland Oliver.

Moses Wamanga