Ben Bella was the leader of the Algerian revolution. Born in 1916 in Oran in Western Algeria of Moroccan parents. He was a symbol of Algerian Independence, hope and pride. He was a tall athletic man, well known in those turbulent years, not only as a soccer player, but also as a powerful captain of a local football team.
After High
school he underwent a pre-military training in the Chantrers de la Jeunesse in
Algeria. As a master sergeant in the French army, he has a brilliant record,
and a chest full of decorations, which he won in World War II.
Ben Bella's role and experience in Second World War assisted him to form the Action wing, a secret organizations (OS) in 1949.
All these years, his major concern was the status of his countrymen. He thought of nothing else but Algeria's freedom. After the war, he returned to Marinia and entered politics to become not only a municipal officer, but also a devoted member of the Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties.
Mr. Ben Bella was one of the six initial leaders of the Nationalist Revolution, which years in advance, planned and engineered the November, 1954 revolution.
In 1949, he organized the daring hold-up of the post office in Oran, looted about three million francs.
Mr. Ben Bella was captured by the French the following year, and given a life sentence of hard labour. He escaped from the Blida prison and lived underground in Europe and North Africa. During that time, he visited President Nasser of Egypt and President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia. Both Presidents Nasser and Bourgniba gave him arms and support, which he found extremely indispensable for carrying out his plans.
In 1957, while carrying out a mission, en route from Rabat to Tunis, the pilot of the plane received radio instructions from the French authorities to land in Algiers, which he did. Mr. Ben Bella was then imprisoned in the Island of Aix in the Atlantic Coast of France, and then in Chateaux.
Whether in the French army, or in the French prisons, be it for his country's independence, or its future prosperity, Mr. Ben Bella clashed with France for many years.
The French thought that the imprisonment of Mr. Ben Bella and his colleagues would solve the problem. On the contrary, it added fuel to the flames that burnt more passionately and brilliantly than ever.
On the part of Mr. Ben Bella, his imprisonment gave him the adequate time which he needed, for filling up the gaps of his education. He read works on economics, politics, history, and almost anything he could lay his hands on. He also learnt English, German, and literary Arabic. In Algeria he became a man of almost legendary prestige ---- indeed a martyr on whom the enthusiasm of his people was pinned.
FLN resorted to guerilla activities and disturbed the workers and landlords to rebel against the French. FLN also controlled the Algerian Trade Union called UGTA. The Cairo Committee led by Ben Bella, which spread the Anti-French propaganda, facilitated this.
FLN made bombings and shootings to French bases and the French retaliated by torturing Algerians. They also put barriers of electrified barbed wire along the border with Tunisia and Morocco to discourage rebel movements to any other country.
1958, the problem of Algeria had become so acute that a revolt took place among the colony in Algeria. At the end of 1960, Algerians of Algiers demonstrated for independence.
In March 1962, the French agreed for a cease-fire. A referendum was organised and independence was granted in July 11962.
On September 26, 1962, the Algerian National Assembly made him Algeria's first Prime Minister. His aim was to convert Algeria into a socialist state.
While in power, he struggled to restore the economy of Algeria, which had been brought to the verge of disaster by seven and half years of war.
As a president he carried out agricultural and major industrial reforms. But like any other good African leader of the time, he did not rule for long as a coup was organised by his defence minister Houari Boumedienne in 1965.
To what was Ahmed Ben Bella responsible for his own down fall
Give and explain the degree to which Ben Bella was responsible for his downfall. Other factors needed. A stand point required
Brief background of Ben Bella.
1. Failed to carry out what he promised at rallies
2. Much inefficiency in the economy despite the oil boom
3. Corruption
4. Unemployment
5. Shortage of food
6. Preferred socialism to capitalism and annoyed the West
7. Followed socialism without training socialist caders
8. Failed to handle the army well
9. Did not set up institutions for a socialist revolution
10. Failed to produce economic reforms
11. Failed to support private institutions
12. Conflicted with Boumedienne
13. Poor performance of the agricultural sector
14. Dictatorship Other factors: Cold war politics, Personal differences in leadership, Inherited a shattered economy and administration, Algerian population was so stubborn. Wanted a change, Overthrown by Boumedienne in 1965.
Account for the Algerian war of independence of 1954-1962
Approach: Identify the Algerian war of independence. Give and explain reasons/or its outbreak
The Algerian war of independence was led by the Front for National Liberation (FLN) under Ben Bella against French colonialists. This was after a very long time under colonial rule (it should be noted that Algeria became a French colony in 1830). So it was now time to end this colonialism and this was to come through war as the reasons are discussed hereunder.
Economically, land alienation and unfair land distribution prompted the Algerians to take up arms against the French.
Famine created widespread discontent among the Algerians,
Problems of urbanization made the affected Algerians resort to violence. Algerian urban dwellers were living in poor conditions;
The grabbing of economic power by French businessmen led to antagonism between them and the affected Algerians.
The aggrieved businessmen in Algeria began to decampaign colonialism hence laying ground for war.
Socially, the policy of assimilation was one of the long-term contributory factors to the outbreak of the Algerian war of independence.
Religious conflicts increased the differences between, the French and the Algerians
Colonial education opened the Algerians' eyes to the colonial evils.
Racism was also blamed for outbreak of 'the Algerian war of independence.
Politically the Algerians resented French dictatorship.
The Russian revolution of 1917 acted as an indirect inspiration to the Algerians to use violence. Other factors are The role of World War II was equally instrumental in the outbreak of the Algerian war of independence. The Vietnam War of independence of 1947 - 54 was another inspiring factor to the Algerians in the outbreak of the Algerian war of independence.
The failure of Algerians to win independence through Constitutional means necessitated the use of violence.
National Movements and New States in Africa