Advantages of military regime

The army has fostered national unity in some countries. In some Somalia Siad Barre took power and tried to unite a country torn apart into 82 clan based political parties each struggling for power.

Some military regimes have undertaken social and economic transformation. This has been in Ethiopia, Egypt, and Libya where they avoided feudal land system.

Military has assisted in removing repressive undemocratic leaders, for example Emperor Bokasa of Central African Republic, Macias Nguema, among others

They assist in changing governments especially those which people are fed up with.

Sometimes the army can restore the moral fibre of the people in the country.

Such tanks would be seen on Kampala road during the welcome of Amin

The army is believed to be the body that can effect development in poor countries because of its unity, organization, command, structure and sophisticated technology.

The army can lead to political stability, for example Museveni in Uganda, Mobutu, among others

Building socialism in an originally capitalist or feudal state could only be done easily by the army.

Revival of the economy and social infrastructure, for example Jerry Rawlings in Ghana, Thomas Sankara in Burkina Faso.

Capable of carrying through hard and far-reaching decisions. Decision-making is quicker since it does not involve many consultations, for example expulsion of Asians from Uganda by Idi Amin took a few seconds.

Military men believe in action more than mere words, for example the late Samora Machel did not only condemn apartheid in South Africa but trained men to fight.

The military can forcefully contain foreign domination, for example General Amin prevented British and Asian domination of Uganda’s economy, thus Economic War of 1972.

The army has led to economic development e.g Mariam Mengistu’s regime in Ethiopia was characterized by positive economic changes. The same to Gadafi's rule in Libya, Museveni's rule in Uganda etc... Hence coups are at times referred to as revolutions.

The army has strived for national unity in African countries e.g In Uganda the NRM military government has tried to bridge the religious and tribal differences by slamming a ban on political parties.

It has solved the problems of unemployment e.g Muamer Gadafi's green revolution created several employment opportunities for Libyans. The same happened in Egypt following the 1952 coup.

Soldiers presidents lead to discipline in the armed forces e.g General Idi Amin of Uganda had a very disciplined army and the same applies to the Uganda Peoples Defence forces under Lt. General Kaguta Museveni. This contrasts with the indiscipline of the Uganda army under the civilian president Obote II.

Military regimes have restored morals in Africa e.g General Idi Amin of Uganda abolished the wearing of mini skirts, Mobutu Seseseko of Zaire/Congo abolished the same etc.

Military rule has led to preservation of African culture e.g General Mobutu Seseseko emphasized the importance of the African personality, African names, music , dance, drama and dress.

The army has restored the rule of law and order in countries torn by lawless ness e.g Congo.

It has checked against extravagance in government e.g. On coming to power General Ankrah waved off the 2 million dollars which the Ghanaian government used to spend on Nkrumah's birth day every year.

National Movements and New States in Africa