Why it is difficult to attain full employment in Uganda
The growing population in Uganda means that at any given point in time, some people will be unemployed. Jobs do not usually grow at the same rate with Uganda's population growth.
Changing technology has the effect of reducing the number of people required for employment in specific fields therefore as technology changes, labour requirements also change making it difficult to attain full employment.
Lack of information. Some people may stay unemployed while employment opportunities exist because they lack information about existing job opportunities.
Laziness and negative attitude towards work. Achieving full employment in an economy becomes difficult as long as some people are lazy, have negative attitudes towards work and therefore choose not to work even when jobs are available i.e. voluntary unemployment.
In an economy, some level of unemployment (transitional unemployment) must occur since people keep on transferring from one job to another and from one region to another.
The dynamic (changing) macro - economic environment. This causes fluctuations on economic activity making it difficult to attain and sustain full employment in the economy.
The existence of speculation in the labour market. Some people voluntarily stay unemployed refusing low wage paying jobs expecting to get those which pay higher wages in the near future.
Difficulties on Manpower planning and development: It is difficult for any economy to carry out manpower planning program which accurately matches the supply with the demand for specific manpower.
Geographical and occupational immobility of labours. Obstacles to labour mobility make it difficult to attain full employment in the economy since jobs may exist in a particular area but people can not move there to take on such jobs.