The Traditional Stage

  • The traditional stage of economic growth is characterized by several features.
  • Domination by the subsistence sector with limited levels of exchange.
  • Primitive technology, often backward in nature.
  • Agricultural sector engaging the majority of the labourforce.
  • Low levels of production and productivity.
  • Conservatism and traditionalism are quite dominant.
  • Prevalence of poverty, ignorance and disease.
  • Limited degree of specialization and exchange.
  • Communal society, where work is often done in groups.
  • The viscious circle of poverty prevails.
  • Most of the resources of the community are controlled by landlords.
  • Limited degree of industrialization.
  • Most of the resources are usually wasted in unproductive activities.
  • Lack of motivation among the people, as they tend to be contented with doing little or nothing.
  • Limited influence of foreign resource force.
  • Low levels of economic growth and specialization.