How to reduce the subsistence sector
The subsistence sector in Uganda can be reduced through a number of measures.
There is need to establish, provide and maintain adequate infrastructure to link rural areas where the sector is dominant with the modern urban sector.
Encouragement of production in rural areas e.g. through increasing prices of the rural farmers' produce.
Specialization is urgently required. This can be done by improving farmers' levels of education, skills and training.
A vigorous policy of extension services should be adopted, whereby farmers are educated about the modern and scientific methods of farming, by agricultural experts.
Co-operative movements should be fostered and streamlined. This could lead to improved purchase, storage, processing and marketing systems.
High level of dynamism should be adopted to gradually reduce socio-cultural tendency of traditionalism and conservatism.
Pilot schemes in rural areas need to be established by co-operatives to provoke the traditional farmers into modern farming methods.
Credit facilities i.e. loans should be availed to the rural subsistence farmer. This can enable him to access credit which would expand his scale of production for the commercial sector.
Diversification within the agricultural sector should be given attention, to enable farmers to produce a wide variety of output for the market.
The marketing problem should also be addressed. It could lead to increase in output production for both the domestic and export markets.