The agricultural sector is dominant in Uganda contributing to over 60% of GDP. It is also the biggest employing sector, indirectly or directly.
The Structure of Agriculture in Uganda
The sector depends on a few export crops e.g coffee, tea, tobacco, foods and beverages, fish and fish products, animal products like leather, etc.
The sector is dominated with small peasant agricultural activities that earn little revenue to both the state and individuals.
There are limited levels of specialization within the sector. Several crops are often grown by individual farmers.
The sector is characterized by low levels of industrialization. It comprises a few processing activities.
In the sector, the level of production and productivity is still low.
Agriculture in Uganda has low supply of the required sLøc2e manpower/personnel.
The degree of diversification within the sector is also limited.
The sector is further characterized by dualism e.g technological dualism where different levels of technology are used.
The existing land tenure systems in Uganda tend to render some people underemployed within the agricultural sector.
Due to the prevailing low levels of technology, the sector tends to export low value - added products.
There are a few plantation agricultural activities in Uganda.
The sector in Uganda is mainly dependent on nature.
The sector is mainly characterized by subsistence production, especially in areas where most activities are undertaken.
In the agricultural sector, the levels of employment tend to fluctuate according season, hence the prevalence of seasonal unemployment.
agricultural sector tends to employ/use labour intensive techniques
Food crops are mainly grown and a few traditional cash crops. The food mainly comprise maize, sorghum, millet, root crops such as cassava, potato etc.