Discussion and research
1. If you are not familiar with the stories of
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, read rapidly through the book of Genesis,
starting from 11: 26, to gain an impression of the Patriarchal narratives. As
you read, make notes to answer the following questions:
(a) What was the turning point in Jacob's life?
(b) What is your assessment of Jacob's character
when he was a young man?
(c) In what ways do the Patriarchal narratives
show us that God's plan is worked out in God's way, in spite of the sins and
failures of men?
2. Discuss what was important for the first
Christians in the story of Abraham, and then assess the importance of Abraham
for a modern Christian.
3. Give an
account of a sacrifice offered in African traditional religion, explaining why
it was offered.
4. Give an account of a covenant made in
traditional African society. In what ways does the covenant you describe differ
from the covenant made by God with Abraham?
5. Describe a modern covenant, referring to its
intention and the way it is made.