The examples of judges included Barak, Joshua, Deborah,
and Samuel among others. They played the following roles in the history of
Judges led the people of Israel into fighting different
wars like Joshua who was at the fore front in attacking and conquering the town
of Jericho.
The judges acted as God's representatives among the
people. They spoke on behalf of God to the people of Israel.
Judges helped to maintain morality among the Israelites.
They presided over cases. For example, they charged and punished a rapist
(Judges 19: 22-30).
Judges settled disputes among the Israelites. This helped
to maintain and promote justice in Israel.
Judges helped the priests with their duties by
emphasizing monotheism and the observation of the Sabbath as a holy day.
Some judges composed hymns which became greatly used in
Israel for praising and worshiping God. For example, Deborah composed a song
praising God for his greatness and omnipresence.
The judges encouraged the people of Israel to cultivate
crops. This ensured that there was enough food supply.
Judges acted as prophets. For example, Deborah prophesied
the defeat of one of the military commanders of Israel's enemies.
Judges helped the Israelites to maintain their covenant
relationship with God. This was by making the people of Israel to realize that
they would be punished because of their disobedience.
Judges led the people of Israel into a covenant renewal
with God like that at Shechem under the guidance of Joshua.
Judges called for repentance in Israel. Samuel organized
a day for repentance for everyone at Mizpah.
Judges guided the people of Israel during the transition
period from theocracy to monarchy. This was when the Israelites wanted to have
an earthly king in which case they guided them on the qualities of the ideal
Judges helped to create unity among the people of Israel.
They emphasized the oneness of their God and their special and chosen status.
Revision Questions
Examine the role of judges in the
history of Israel
What lessons can political leaders
draw from their administration?