Isaiah preached about the day of the Lord as the people of Judah eagerly waited for the day to come their way.

The people thought that that day would bring prosperity, eternal peace and joy besides victory over their enemies.

However, Isaiah just like Amos saw the day of the Lord differently. He prophesied doom for the people of Judah on that day.

To Isaiah, the day would be a day of judgement. Everyone in the land would see terror and destruction.

Isaiah foresaw that everyone would be humiliated and disgraced on the Lord's Day. He would no longer forgive them.

At that time, the people would hide in caves in the rocky hills or dig holes in the ground in their attempt to escape the Lord's anger or hide from his power and glory.

Isaiah prophesied that human pride would come to an end and their arrogance destroyed as well.

The prophet mentioned that the Lord would humble everyone powerful, proud and conceited on his day.

The Lord would also level the high mountains and hills including every high tower and the walls of every fortress.

Besides, the Lord would sink even the largest and most beautiful ships on his day. It would be total disaster for the people.

According to Isaiah, the idols that the people worshipped would completely disappear. They would throwaway and abandon the golden and silver idols they had made.

Isaiah foresaw that the Lord alone would be exalted on the day of his coming. This would mark a return to the monotheistic faith of the people.

Isaiah said that the Lord would shake the earth on his day. This would make them hide in holes and caves in trying to escape his anger.

Isaiah said that the Lord would take away everything and everyone the people depended on. They would lose their food and water, heroes and soldiers, judges and prophets, and their fortune tellers and statesmen.

The Lord would let the people of Judah be governed by immature boys. Their military and civilian leaders, politicians and everyone who used magic to control events would be no more.

According to Isaiah, everyone in the land would take advantage of everyone else on the day of the Lord.

Besides, young people would disrespect their elders and the worthless people would no longer respect their superiors.

The women of Judah would lose all their jewellery and perfumes that had made them proud. Instead, they would become stinking and unattractive.

Isaiah foresaw that "the men of the city of Jerusalem including even the strongest would be killed in war

Besides, there would be mourning and crying in the city thus the city itself would be like a woman seated on the ground stripped naked. Everyone would be put to shame.

The rich people who obtained their prosperity through unfair means would not have a chance to enjoy them. Their houses would be destroyed for having been unfair.

Revision Questions

  1. Comment on Isaiah's teaching on the day of the Lord.
  2. Comment on the day of judgement as prophesied by Isaiah.
  3. What is the Christian understanding of the judgement?