(1 Samuel 8: 10-18)

God commanded Samuel to listen to what the people of Israel wanted and give them a king. However, he was instructed to give them strict warnings and explain how their kings would treat them.

The king would make soldiers out of their sons to serve in war chariots and cavalry. This meant that there would be forced military service in Israel.

The king would make some of their sons to be officers in charge of a thousand men and others in charge of fifty men. This showed that there would be discrimination.

Besides, the king would use their sons to plough his fields, do the harvesting and make his weapons and equipment for his chariots. This meant that there would be forced labour.

The king would also use the daughters of Israel to make perfumes for him and work as his cooks and bakers. This also pointed towards forced labour in Israel.

The king would take away the people's best fields, vineyards and olive groves and give them to his officials. This implied that there would be grabbing of property.

The king would take a tenth of the people's flocks and make them his possession by use of force.

Samuel warned Israel that they would become slaves to the king that they were requesting for. This implied that the Israelites would lose their freedom.

Samuel warned that the king would take away their servants, best cattle and donkeys and use them to work for him.

The king would live a luxurious life at the expense of the people. Therefore, they would only mind about themselves.

Even when the people of Israel would complain bitterly against the king of their own choice, God would ignore their complaints.

Samuel warned that Israel would be defeated by their enemies as God would withdraw His support and protection.

IDevice Icon Revision Questions


1.          Discuss Samuel's warnings about the dangers of having an' earthly king in Israel

2.          How did the kings in Israel later justify Samuel's fear for an earthly king?

3.          To what extent did the kings of Israel justify Samuel's fear for an earthly king?