(2 Samuel 7:18 ff)
King David prayed after Prophet Nathan had revealed to
him all that the Lord had said to him about his plan of building a temple.
King David while in the Tent of the Lord's presence and
observed the following;
He realized his unworthiness to deserve all that the
sovereign Lord had already done for him and his family.
King David acknowledged the Lord's deeds for him and his
family as he continued to do more for them.
Besides, the king acknowledged the promises that God had
made to him about his descendants in the years to come.
King David asked God to fulfill His promises in his life
time while acknowledging him as the sovereign Lord.
King David acknowledged the Lord knowing him as His
servant that he could no longer say anything before him.
He also acknowledged that it was God's will and His
purpose to do all the great things in order to teach him.
King David acknowledged the greatness of the sovereign
Lord that there was none like Him. He confessed that they had always known Him
alone as their God.
Besides, he acknowledged the greatness of the nation of
Israel, whom God had rescued from their bondage in Egypt and made them His own
He went on to acknowledge the great and the wonderful
things the Lord had done for the people of Israel. He rescued them from their
slavery and drove other nations and their gods as His people advanced. For
this, His fame had spread throughout the world.
King David confessed that God had made Israel His people
forever. For this, He had now become their God.
King David confessed that the Lord's fame would be great
by fulfilling all His promises to him. For this, people would also acknowledge
Him as the Lord almighty and God over Israel.
King David confessed that he had the courage to pray
because of what the, Lord revealed to him about making his descendants kings.
King David acknowledged the Lord as God and one who
always keeps His promises. He had already made wonderful promises to him.
King David asked God to bless his descendants in order
for them to continue enjoying His favour forever.
Examine the main points of King
David's prayer after Prophet Nathan's revelation to him
What lessons can modern Christians
learn from King David's prayer?
Prophet Nathan appeared to King David for the second time
after he had committed the sins of adultery and murder.
King David had had sexual intercourse with Bathsheba, a
woman married to Uriah who was one of his faithful soldiers.
Besides, King David's affairs with Bathsheba resulted
into pregnancy as Uriah was away in the front line under the command of Joab
fighting the Ammonites.
(His Adultery with Bathsheba and the Murder of Uriah)
The people Israel were at war with the Ammonites whom
they defeated and besieged under the command of Joab. Uriah was one of the
soldiers among' the Israelites.
The kings were required to be at the frontline. However,
King David chose to stay behind as he sent Joab to command his soldiers.
King David had a nap in one of the afternoons and went to
the palace roof from where he saw a woman bathing.
King David was made to realize that Bathsheba was the
woman he had seen bathing. She was a very beautiful woman married to Uriah, the
King David's lust led him into having sexual intercourse
with Bathsheba after she was called by one of his messengers.
However, Bathsheba had just finished her monthly ritual
of purification. This was usually done after a woman had just under gone
menstruation to cleanse her off since she was contaminated by the flow of
Bathsheba became pregnant after her sexual intercourse
with King David whom she notified immediately after realizing her state.
King David developed a plan of disguising Bathsheba
pregnancy. He knew that the law of sanctification of Israel's army had
forbidden sexual intercourse during war.
King David sent for Uriah who was in the front line
fighting the Ammonites through his military commander named Joab.
King David sent Uriah home and told him to rest upon his
arrival to the palace. However, this was a trick for him to go and have sexual
intercourse with wife since he had been away for long.
However, Uriah slept at the palace gate with King David's
guard instead of going to his home as he had been told. This was to the
disappointment of the king.
Uriah was aware of and loyal to the law of holiness
concerning war. Therefore, he could not go home to dine and sleep with his wife
when Israel was at war having the covenant box with them.
King David organized and invited Uriah to a dinner from
where he made him drunk with the thinking that he would be tempted to go to his
home. However, Uriah did as he had done before.
King David wrote a letter to Joab and gave it to Uriah
himself to deliver. He instructed Joab to put Uriah in the front line where the
fighting was heaviest in order for him to be killed.
However, Uriah was ignorant of the content of King
David's letter to Joab. He did not know that the letter was against his own
life and he delivered it safely.
King David's evil plot against Uriah's life worked out as
Joab obeyed his instruction thus innocent as he was, Uriah was killed.
King David made Bathsheba his official wife after the
period of mourning was over. However, the Lord was displeased with his actions.
Discuss the circumstances that led to
the death of Uriah
"Uriah the Hittite died because
of his faithfulness to Israel's law of sanctification of the army"
Examine the nature of sins that King
David committed in his relationship with Bathsheba.
Account for the death of Uriah, the
Justify the death of Uriah, the
Hittite during the reign of King David
• The war which Israel was having with the Ammonites.
King David's idleness as he remained home
Bathsheba's bathing in the afternoon
Bathsheba's beauty that attracted King
Uriah died because of King David's
Uriah's marriage to Bathsheba
Bathsheba's pregnancy with King David
David's planned move to hide or
disguise Bathsheba's pregnancy
Uriah's refusal to sleep with his own
Uriah's faithfulness to Israel's law
of sanctification of the army
King David's ignorance of Israel’s law
of sanctification of the army
David's irresponsibility as king of
David's ignorance of Israel's law
against adultery
Bathsheba's acceptance to have sex
with King David
Uriah's ignorance of the content of
King David's letter to Joab.
Joab's loyalty and obedience to King
David's instruction
Political leaders are called upon to
uphold the constitution
Political leaders should keep
themselves busy
Political leaders ought to be faithful
in their marriages
Political leaders should use their
authority to preserve human life
Political leaders should remain firm
in face of difficulties.
Political leaders are called upon to
fulfill their responsibilities and obligations
Political leaders should respect other
people's views and opinions.
Political leaders should defend their
They should lead by examples
They should repent their sins
Political leaders should serve with obedience
Political leaders are called upon to
control their sexual desires
They should respect themselves.
Political leaders ought to listen to
religious leaders
They should realize and accept their
12: 1 ff)
God sent Prophet Nathan to His servant David immediately
after his sins of adultery with Bathsheba and his plot that saw Uriah killed.
The prophet revealed the Lord's message to King David
through a story or a parable of a one rich man and poor man living in the same
The rich man had many cattle and sheep and the poor man
had only a lamb, which he had bought.
The poor man took good care of his only lamb that he
could feed it on the same cup he was using.
The rich man received a visitor one day but was not
willing slaughter one of his many animals for the visitor
The rich man chose to slaughter the poor man's only lamb
and prepared a meal for his visitor.
King David became very angry with the rich man's action
and he condemned him to death. For being so cruel, the king ruled that the rich
man had to pay back four times as much as he had taken.
However, Prophet Nathan revealed that King David was the
rich man and Uriah was the poor. He had exploited the poor man. The king
admitted his sins and was forgiven.
King David was the rich man prophet Nathan referred to in
his parable. Therefore, he had to listen to what the Lord had to say to him
Uriah was the poor man that the rich man had exploited by
grabbing his only beloved lamb and preparing a meal out of it.
The many cattle and sheep of the rich man meant God's
favour and blessing to King David. He made him king of Israel and rescued him from
King Saul as well.
King David's behavior meant that he had disobeyed the
commands of the Lord. He had been sinful by committing adultery and murder.
The only lamb of the poor man meant Uriah's commitment to
Bathsheba as his only beloved wife.
Besides, the care with which the poor treated his wife
symbolized Uriah's love for Bathsheba, his only wife.
The visitor that the rich man received in his home showed
the lust that overcame King David that he could not control his conduct.
The failure of the rich man to slaughter one of his many
animals to prepare a meal for her visitors showed David's failure to fulfill
his marital role to his wife.
The inability of the rich man to slaughter his own animal
meant King David's failure to satisfy his sexual feeling with his own wife.
The killing of the only lamb of the poor man meant King
David the sexual intercourse had with Bathsheba, the only wife of Uriah.
Besides, King David's sexual intercourse with Bathsheba showed
how he had become so immoral that he could no longer follow the covenant laws.
King David's annoyance with the rich man meant that he
knew what was right and wrong as he was touched by such an act of injustice
against the poor man.
King David's condemnation of the rich man to death meant
that he had condemned himself for having exploited an innocent person, Uriah.
Besides, the condemnation also meant that King David was
unaware that he was the person being referred to as a rich man in the story.
In addition, the condemnation meant that King David was
keen on promoting justice through keeping and observing the covenant laws.
The grabbing of the only lamb of the poor man meant King
David had now taken over Bathsheba as his wife.
King David's acceptance of his guilt meant that he had
realized his own human weaknesses and his unworthiness before the Lord.
Besides, the king acceptance meant that he was willing to
put himself right with God through repentance,
By God forgiving King David's sins meant that he was
willing to forgive any repentant sinner in Israel.
Revision Questions
What lessons can modern Christians
learn from Prophet Nathan message to King David?
What is .the relevance of King David
to Christians today?