Programme Requirements and Weights

Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes


Admission to University is based on attainment of a Uganda Certificate of Education or an equivalent and at least two Advanced Principal Level

Passes in approved subjects, all in the same sitting of UACE or an equivalent qualification.

The Weighting System

All subjects taken at UACE are grouped into four categories and weighted as follows for purposes of admission to any Programme of Undergraduate study in a university:

Essential 3

Relevant 2

Desirable 1

Others 0.5

The Essential A Level subjects for University Programmes must be passed with at least a Principal Pass. For a given candidate, not more than three subjects taken at the principle level carry a weight of 3,2, or 1.

Principal level subjects in excess of three is considered as others and carry a weight of 0.5. No more than two subjects are designated as Essential and a pass in a subject taken at a subsidiary level, such as General Paper and Sub-Nath, carries one point. A subsidiary pass ranges from grades 1 to 6.

In case of programmes where 'Essential' subjects may be three or more, an 'Essential set' of subject is defined. The best performed two subjects of the 'essential set' is then designated as essential and weighted three.

The third best done subject from the essential set is designated as relevant and weighted two.

When computing points, special programme requirements are also taken into consideration. For O Level grades, Distinctions 1 and 2 carry 0.3, credits 3 to 6 carry 0.2, passes 7 and 8 carry 0.1 and fail (F9) carry 0.0 weight respectively. More information can be got from the annually revised PUJAB Information Booklet. Consult your Career or Examination Mistress/Master.

For Secondary Schools