Causes of political instability

•    This reflects itself in form of civil wars, military coup de tats, urban terrorism etc.
•    Dictatorial rule which is mainly manifested in lack of respect for the constitution.
•    Failure to remove the existing regime using legal means.
•    Tribalism which breeds tribal fears, tensions and suspicions.
•    Unabated violation of human rights e.g. killing people, arbitrary imprisonments.
•    The unfair sharing of the national cake.
•    Military discontent especially when the president tries to divide the army.
•    Differences in political philosophy and ideology.
•    The interference of Advanced countries /super powers in the affairs of African states (cold war politics).
•    Lack of a sense of patriotism e.g. late Savimbi of Angola.
•    The desire by one tribe or religion to revenge against the other e.g. in Rwanda.
•    Greed for power.
•    Religious differences.
•    Unbalanced regional development.
•    Economic crises like unemployment and inflation due to economic mismanagement.

National Movements and New States in Africa